Interview with Joshua Heter and Richard Greene. By Holland Elana

Cover of The Godfather and Philosophy book

Holland Elana: What was the nature of the initial conversation that sparked the idea to embark on writing a book about The Godfather? Could you provide insights into the early discussions that laid the foundation for this project?

Joshua Heter + Richard Greene: We have both published a number of books on popular culture and philosophy. All told, there are dozens of these volumes (which have been published since around the year 2000), and we’ve been fortunate to work on a number of them in various capacities. Sometime about a year and a half ago, we began to wonder if there were any “big” pieces of intellectual property (i.e., television shows or movie franchises) that were overlooked; that never got the philosophy and pop culture treatment. And, as it turns out, inarguably, one of the most important pieces of popular storytelling in the twentieth century had been overlooked: The Godfather. With the anniversary of the first two films coming up, and with the release of The Offer (which recounts the making of The Godfather) on Paramount+, it seemed like now was a great time to correct that oversight. Thankfully, the good folks at Carus Books agreed, and we got to work.

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Citation Ethics Project Update. By M. Sellers Johnson

Film Matters is excited to present an update on our ongoing Citation Ethics project. This project endeavors to compile demographic data on the authors referenced in Film Matters’ published articles, featurettes, and special issue dossier features. Our aim is to analyze these data, using them to note potential gaps in inclusive authorship across our back catalog with a view to identifying areas of (and methods for) improvement, moving forward. We hope to address these gaps, and discern patterns that may account for the inequity in scholarly referencing.

To start, we have established parameters to create a distinction between “diverse” and nondiverse scholarship. Presumably, nondiverse authors compose the majority of scholarship in film and media studies. Our working definition of “diverse” has, thus far, been constructed as: author(s) outside of the paradigm of Western, Caucasian, cisgender, English-language, and heteronormative scholarship. For our purposes here, female, cisgender, heterosexual Caucasian scholars writing in English are not considered “diverse” — we assume that they are fairly well represented in film and media scholarship. However, we are tracking presumed male, female, and non-binary author counts; it is still useful to know how many women — regardless of race or ethnicity — are being consulted in FM articles, big picture. Thus, any Queer-identifying person, regardless of ethnicity, is at this time considered a “diverse” source.

This is, obviously, not a perfect system — we are relying upon publicly available author information to make our determinations about identities. In the event that identities cannot be readily confirmed, nondiverse is our default assumption. We would also like to acknowledge that this project, from its inception, is designed to be adaptable to changes in ethics and awareness regarding these types of data collection. In our growing transnational world, there will likely be new nuances, demographic categories, and qualities of diversity that will inevitably arise as these considerations evolve.

Film Matters is committed to bringing more diverse authors into the scholarly conversation and is open to remediating past practice to achieve this goal. We welcome readers and scholars alike to share in this Citation Ethics project as a small step toward engaging with appropriate and inclusive scholarship. The challenges and aspirations of this project aim to reflect our academic ethos: seeking to learn more from one another, while amplifying underrepresented voices, in our mutual affinity for film and media studies.

To view our current data, from FM 1.1 (2010) onward, please see:

Author Biography

 M. Sellers Johnson is Citation Ethics Editor for Film Matters.

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Sophie Barbour, Author of FM 13.1 (2022) Article “Divines and the Constructed Self”

A screenshot from Divines (2016) -- a medium shot of, left to right, a young white woman and a young black woman raising their arms in joy outside of a car roof as the car travels in Paris during the evening -- Arc de Triomphe glimpsed in the background.
Dounia and Maimouna celebrate in female-female drag. Divines (Diaphana Films, 2016), 1:00:41.

Film Matters: Please tell us about your article that is being published in Film Matters.

Sophie Barbour: My article looks at a character named Dounia from the film Divines and attempts to further other academic discussions of her gender identity—or rather, her gender performance. It is immediately obvious upon watching the film that it is interested in gender. It follows a female protagonist, her female best friend, and the female drug dealer against the backdrop of a violent male culture within the banlieue. Additionally, Dounia is North African and lives outside of the banlieue itself in a Roma camp. Her identity is, for lack of a better word, unrooted. There is no female-dominated space for her. She doesn’t live with other North Africans within the banlieue, and, of course, she lives in the periphery of the larger Parisian society and economy. With that in mind, she makes a space for herself as a drug dealer by performing certain traits that are attributed to men in order to partake in the banlieue economy. However, she also performs a type of hyper-femininity when it is required of her. These gendered performances then lead us to question her identity more largely. Where do the performances stop and Dounia start? I found that, really, there is no distinction. The performance of identity is the identity itself, and thus Dounia’s particular skill in acting becomes a powerful tool in being able to morph herself to the needs of the different roles she fulfills.

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Drew Meinecke, Author of FM 13.1 (2022) Article “The Paradise Theater (1941–1951): African American Movie Palaces and the 1943 Racial Uprising in Detroit”

A black-and-white image of Detroit Orchestra Hall -- a long shot of the exterior of a multi-story neoclassical building.
Detroit Orchestra Hall, c. 1970. Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, MICH,82-DETRO,17-1.

Film Matters: Please tell us about your article that is being published in Film Matters.

Drew Meinecke: My article is about the Paradise Theater in Detroit, which existed between 1941 and 1951. It was opened initially as a mixed, or integrated, theater, which opted to use Black acts and performers to attract a multiracial audience. I point out the significance of this all-Black stage show, in which famous Black bandleaders such as Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong headlined, to argue that the Black moviegoing experience was not inherently inferior to the white moviegoing experience, as Black Detroiters saw quality performances at the Paradise Theater. That being said, I also make sure to include the fact that Black Detroiters faced discrimination, segregation, violence, and poverty, to ensure that the audience has no doubt that systemic racism permeated throughout the north during this period. My article also touches on the Paradise Theater’s transition from its distinction as a mixed theater to its distinction as a Black theater, a theater that is designated as a primarily Black space. Additionally, my article explores the close relationship between the Paradise Theater, and the nearby Black neighborhood of Paradise Valley. Specifically, I examine the efforts of the Paradise Theater which uplifted this local Black community, and I discuss how residents of this community reacted to these efforts. I also touch on the Paradise’s broader philanthropy which extended across the nation, with the intention of demonstrating that the Paradise did not fit the stereotype of exploitative Black movie theaters. In all, the goal of my article is to help shed light on an important, and often overlooked, part of Detroit’s history.

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Dylan O’Connell, Author of FM 13.1 (2022) Article “Nagisa Ōshima’s Essayistic Exploration of Japan’s ‘Korean Problem’”

A screenshot from Three Resurrected Drunkards -- three young Asian men in long shot in the desert, standing slightly off center, to the left of the frame. The man on the left has his back to the camera and is waving to the other two men; the man in the middle is facing the camera with his arms behind his back; the man on the right is holding his right hand with index finger extended (as if a gun) pointed at the head of the man in the middle.
Actors Osamu Kitayama (left), Norihiko Hashida (middle), and Kazuhiko Katō (right). Three Resurrected Drunkards (Criterion, 1968). (00:01:37, 00:39:43).

Film Matters: Please tell us about your article that is being published in Film Matters.

Dylan O’Connell: “Nagisa Ōshima’s Essayistic Exploration of Japan’s ‘Korean Problem’” analyzes four films by Japanese filmmaker Nagisa Ōshima: Forgotten Soldiers (1963), Diary of Yunbogi (1965), Death by Hanging (1968), and Three Resurrected Drunkards (1968). The analysis of these films focuses on their use of essay film techniques to highlight various aspects of the “Korean problem.” The “Korean problem” refers to the animosity between the two countries that stems from Japan’s imperial legacy and contemporary exploitation of their neighbors. A summary of theorists’ descriptions on essay film is provided to serve as a foundation from which Ōshima’s films can be analyzed.

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Jacqueline Brady, Author of FM 13.1 (2022) Article “Reflexivity, Third Space, and Representation: Radical Reimaginings of the Banlieue in Swagger (2016)”

A medium shot of a young man of color wearing a black suit and overcoat, holding a red open umbrella above is head, standing before a painted blue wall; grass is visible in the background, at the man's feet.
Paul Turgot in Swagger (Rézo Films, 2016). IMDB.

Film Matters: Please tell us about your article that is being published in Film Matters.

Jacqueline Brady: My article is about Olivier Babinet’s 2016 film Swagger and explores how the film challenges reductive cinematic and media representations of the French banlieues, which often shape the banlieues into spaces of exclusion and Otherness and work to legitimize State violence against the population.

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Francesca Iucci, Author of FM 13.1 (2022) Article “’I’m Learning to Smoke Now’: The Evolution of Cigarettes in Orson Welles’s The Lady from Shanghai

Still of Rita Hayworth, in The Lady from Shanghai, blowing cigarette smoke in Orson Welles's face.
Elsa blows smoke in Michael’s face. Welles, Orson. The Lady from Shanghai. Mercury Productions. 1947. Box of Broadcasts. BBC 4.

Film Matters: Please tell us about your article that is being published in Film Matters.

Francesca Iucci: My article explores the symbolic role cigarettes take in Orson Welles’s The Lady from Shanghai. Ever since watching the film, I was struck by the recurrence of cigarettes and smoking in scenes, which were essential to understand character dynamics. With my work, I strived to discover why and how cigarettes become relevant in characters’ interactions and obtain symbolic meaning that goes past their role as an object.

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Taylor Floyd, Author of FM 13.1 (2022) Article “Aesthetics in Claymation: An Exploration of Adam Elliot”

A long shot of a claymation figure with glasses in a bedroom from the film Mary and Max
The young characters in each film are molded to be smooth and more sturdy appearing. Mary and Max (Elliot, 2009).

Film Matters: Please tell us about your article that is being published in Film Matters.

Taylor Floyd: My article explores the core aspects of how the unique elements of clay molding impact the genre of claymation. This exploration was conducted using three of Australian filmmaker Adam Elliot’s films, with the focus primarily being on the elements of mise-en-scene in each film.

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Jack Zornado, Author of FM 13.1 (2022) Article “Hitchcock and the Internalization of Soviet Sound Theory”

A close-up straight-on image from Strangers on a Train of a woman wearing glasses with a lit lighter reflecting in them.
Guy’s lighter is seen through Barbara’s glasses when they meet for the first time at the tennis court. Strangers on a Train (Warner Bros., 1951).

Film Matters: Please tell us about your article that is being published in Film Matters.

Jack Zornado: This article is focused on Alfred Hitchcock’s use of sound and how he evolved as an experimental filmmaker, unafraid to experiment with new techniques, into an auteur that was renowned internationally for his films–and how his use of sound (informed by Soviet theories) changed through that evolution.

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FM 13.1 (2022) Now Out!

Cover of spring 2022 Film Matters issue featuring images from The Lady from Shanghai

Film Matters is pleased to announce officially the release of the first 2022 issue, FM 13.1, edited by the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) and featuring dossiers guest edited by Mina Radovic (Goldsmiths University of London, UK) and Tom Ue (Dalhousie University, Canada).

FM 13.1 includes the following peer-reviewed feature articles:

These “Depicting Spiritual Life Through Literature and Film: Silence by Endo, Shinoda, and Scorsese” dossier featurettes:

These featurettes:

These “Reading Literature and Science” dossier featurettes:

For more information about this issue, please visit:

Are you an undergraduate author who wants to be published in Film Matters? Then we want to work with you! Please check out all the different ways you can publish with us.

Happy June!

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