The VISIONS Film Festival and Conference has announced that they are now accepting submissions for 2012. Visions invites all undergraduates to submit their work, and will be announcing conference presentations and film selections in late February. The event is scheduled for March 30, 2012, and will be hosted at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. To view submission guidelines, deadlines, and entry forms, please visit:
FM 2.1 Is Out!
We are pleased to announce that issue 2.1 of Film Matters is out! Continue reading
Fish Tank (2009). Reviewed by Christian Caminiti
It is difficult to generically classify Andrea Arnold’s second feature film, Fish Tank, without omitting something crucial. Undoubtedly an entry in the cycle of British social realist films in the tradition of Ken Loach, Mike Leigh, and Stephen Frears, Fish Tank also combines elements of the melodrama, particularly the women’s film, and the social problem film. Never though, does it ever seem disjointed or piecemeal, a testament to Arnold’s clear vision of gritty lower-class England and her sure, if shaky-realist, directorial hand. The film follows angry 15-year-old Mia (Katie Jarvis) as she wanders aimlessly through the desolate streets of Essex and pugnaciously through various city cliques. She lives in a housing project with her volatile and villainous mother (Kierston Wareing) and her precocious younger sister Tyler (Rebecca Griffiths). Their tiny living space is demonstrative: sparse, half-drunk liquor bottles tossed all over, old clothes draped over the furniture, a refrain of shouted “cunts” and “fucks” ringing always through the tight quarters. Before long, we realize that Mia isn’t in a good place—emotionally or physically.
Continue readingVision Frame Analysis Contest 2011
Announcing the first Film Matters contest for undergraduates worldwide, sponsored by Zeitgeist Films and Intellect Ltd.! The contest runs until November 1, 2011 — so please think about entering today! Fabulous prizes include $500, as well as publication in a future issue of Film Matters. For more details, as well as the application form, see the “Contest” link.
Call for Reviews
Calling all undergraduate students! Film Matters is actively seeking book and DVD reviews for publication in future print issues. To read sample reviews, please see issue 1.1, which is available online:
And to read up about our guidelines, please see our style guide:
So if you are interested in getting publishing experience to put on your CV or résumé, please contact Liza Palmer (palmerl AT to get started. Film Matters looks forward to working with you!
Mapping Contemporary Cinema
Film Matters is pleased to announce a new partnership! Starting with issue 2.2 (2011), we will regularly be publishing a column called “Mapping Contemporary Cinema,” managed by the students and staff of the film studies department at Queen Mary, University of London and based on a larger project they are organizing.
Mapping Contemporary Cinema is a website created by staff and students in the film studies department at Queen Mary, University of London. The website is devoted to the publication of intelligent in-depth accounts of individual contemporary films, as well as shorter editorials on a range of different themes. All the work is produced and developed by a student-run editorial board. At present our focus is on US and German cinema, though we do hope to extend this coverage in the near future. We are particularly keen to hear from people who teach contemporary cinema and who might be interested in learning more about the writing, editing and publishing process, and perhaps also offering their own students’ work for publication. The site has only just been launched and more content will be added over the summer.
To read more, please visit their new site today!:
FM 1.4 Women & Cinema
Our latest– and first themed — issue is out! See the link for more details about the contents of our Women & Cinema issue:
Open Call for Papers — 3.1 and 3.3 (2012 issues)
We are pleased to post our two newest calls — both open themed — for Film Matters. These two issues would be published in 2012.
Please consider submitting your end-of-semester papers for the Film Matters peer review process today! Deadlines are:
- September 1, 2011 for issue 3.1
- February 1, 2012 for issue 3.3
For more information, see the below link. More calls will be announced soon!
Film Matters congratulates the undergraduate film scholars and filmmakers who presented this past weekend at the University of Notre Dame’s Undergraduate Film & Television Conference and at the University of North Carolina Wilmington’s VISIONS Film Festival & Conference. Well done, all!