Category Archives: Reviews
Beauty and the Beast 3D: Nostalgia Sells This Re-release, Not The 3D. Reviewed by John Debono
To my readership, I should state that I am unfit to write this review. This is not because of a lack of craftsmanship in my writing or a lack of journalistic integrity. The reason why I would consider myself unfit … Continue reading
Carnage: Showcase For Ensemble And Nothing More. Reviewed by John Debono
The medium of film is an interesting one, because it combines both visual art and narrative development. Not only can a compelling and personal narrative be distributed to a wider audience, but it also allows the artist to experiment with … Continue reading
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: Shameless Audience Manipulation. Reviewed by John Debono
The successful construction of a dramatic prestige picture is similar to that of a horror film. An intelligent director takes the time and consideration to create an atmosphere and developed their characters to have their audience fully invested in the … Continue reading
Fish Tank (2009). Reviewed by Christian Caminiti
It is difficult to generically classify Andrea Arnold’s second feature film, Fish Tank, without omitting something crucial. Undoubtedly an entry in the cycle of British social realist films in the tradition of Ken Loach, Mike Leigh, and Stephen Frears, Fish … Continue reading