Behind the Bars is an animated short film by award-winning animator Neely Goniodsky, exploring the themes of racial oppression, prejudice, and the power of art to overcome and communicate one’s struggles to the world. Based on a poem by Edward Smyth Jones.
Aesthetically, the film draws from the materials available at the time of the poem’s publication – 1894 – and uses hand-drawn, 2D, and under-the-camera collage techniques to create a unique world, where Edward Smyth Jones’s intense inspiration to write even during his most difficult moments is captured in a dynamic and constantly evolving environment.
Behind the Bars had its world premiere at the New York City Poetry Festival, its European Premiere at the Encounters Film Festival, and has since screened at additional festivals all around the world. The film is part of the Campfire Poetry project, produced by Max Rothman and Monticello Park Productions, and was selected as a participant in The Independent Filmmaker Project’s 2017 Screen Forward Lab.
Behind the Bars (4:07): Vimeo release: Monday, December 11, 10 AM PST
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